The story of the Zong remains etched upon the annals of maritime history as a chilling testament to human cruelty. In the year, this British slave ship, laden with hundreds of captive Africans transported to the Caribbean, embarked on a horrific voyage that would culminate in a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. Driven by avarice and indifference
Stiklar's Fury
A chilling gust whipped through the ravine, carrying with it the whisperings of a enraged storm. Underneath the swirling maelstrom above, Stiklar's wrath broke with a ferocity that surpassed any seen before. Fields lay in ruin, crushed by the sheer force of his rage. The origin of this inferno of destruction was a mystery. Some whispered of an anc
River of Luscious Desolation
A whisper travels on the breeze, a tale spun from caramel lies and tangled truths. It speaks of a current, its waters glinting with the allure of intoxication. But within its depths lurks a venom, a seductive lure that promises wealth at the cost of morals. They say those who fall in its current are forever consumed by the river's power, their live